Varos Glossary

Cart Abandonment Rate

What is Cart Abandonment Rate?

Abandoned shopping carts occur when a prospective buyer begins the purchase process for an online order but does not finish it. Abandoned items are those that a customer puts in their shopping cart but does not complete the purchase for any reason. Online businesses pay close attention to the rate at which customers leave their shopping carts.

  • When comparing the number of completed purchases to the number of begun transactions, we get the shopping cart abandonment rate.

Using this rate, you may determine what proportion of site visitors demonstrate buy desire by placing an item in their basket but ultimately do not check out.

If a significant percentage of visitors leave without making a purchase, it may be a symptom of a poorly designed site or a flawed sales funnel, making the ecommerce cart abandonment rate an essential indicator for online retailers to monitor. Many online stores put a lot of effort into perfecting their checkout process in the hopes of lowering shopping cart abandonment and so increasing sales and income.


  • Online stores may learn a lot about their visitors' and customers' purchasing habits by analyzing online shopping cart abandonment. This metric is a great barometer of how user-friendly and reliable your shopping cart is. Keeping tabs on the average Cart Abandonment Rate may provide a clearer picture of the factors that contribute to an increase or decrease in sales. Most significantly, it may reveal potential problems with the conversion of website visitors into paying clients.
  • Reducing the percentage of visitors who leave without purchasing may boost income almost instantly.


  • Although the Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate is tremendously useful overall, it may be deceiving when taken out of context. For instance, the average abandonment cart rate won't be particularly informative if your website has very few visits or if you make very few transactions online.
  • It also has the limitation of being the very first warning sign of trouble. Many factors may contribute to an improvement in this statistic. Additional research into more granular measures is required to get to the root of the problem. Consequently, although the Cart Abandonment Rate is useful for highlighting a possible problem, it is not very helpful in resolving the issue itself.
  • The website speed and conversion rate as well as AOV and gross profit margin average are all key performance indicators that should be monitored alongside this measure.

Frequent causes of shopping cart abandonment

While the particular causes of shopping cart abandonment are site-specific, many online retailers share the same problems:

  • Too expensive- considering how often internet users check many vendors to obtain the lowest prices. To dissuade clients from being driven away by excessive costs and seeking better offers elsewhere, you may aid by giving special discounts and promo codes.
  • Costly delivery options- when customers realize the whole price of their item, they typically back out of the purchase. In order to circumvent this, businesses often have promotions where delivery is free.
  • Insufficient payment methods available - many buyers are put off from making a purchase because they can't use their chosen payment method. Reduce this issue by accepting the preferred payment methods of your target market.
  • Difficulty - Consumers who are shopping online have a limited attention span and will give up on a complicated or lengthy checkout process. If you want to avoid this, make the process as quick and pleasant as possible.
  • Users' reluctance to provide financial information online is often attributed to a lack of confidence in online transactions. Conversion rates may be boosted by incorporating social evidence and creating a strong brand into the purchasing process. To further ease customers' minds, provide a large return policy.
  • Many customers who start shopping but don't finish are simply looking around and aren't committed to making a purchase. Offer time-sensitive discounts to encourage rapid purchases from these customers.
  • Bugs and other technological troubles are a part of using any kind of technology. Make sure there are no show-stopping issues by keeping an eye on your statistics and reviewing the checkout process often. Also, verify that your checkout page's code has been streamlined to prevent unnecessary delays in processing times.