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A/B Testing Examples for PPC Campaigns: The 5 Best Tests

You just launched a PPC campaign. You poured hours into perfecting the messaging and designing landing pages you thought would convert. Initial results seem decent, but you have a hunch that performance could improve if you change the ad copy or page layout.

The problem is, if you rely on intuition alone, you may waste time and money testing changes that don't work. Worse, you may hurt a campaign that was working fine in the first place. We've all been there, making guesses and assumptions about what will work. 

But with A/B testing, you can stop guessing and start knowing. You can test different elements of your ads and see which ones perform best. By testing various versions of your ads, landing pages, and other components, you make decisions based on cold, hard data evidence. Welcome to the magic of data-based decision-making.

In this post, we'll explore what A/B testing is, the types you can leverage for PPC, stellar examples, and mistakes to avoid. With the proper testing strategy, you'll boost critical PPC metrics.

What Is A/B Testing for PPC?‍

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is the process of creating two slightly different versions of an ad and showing them to other groups of people. Then, you compare the results to see which version performs better.

For example, you could test two headlines or landing pages to see which drives more conversions. 


The Benefits of A/B Tests for PPC Ads

As a busy marketer, the last thing you want is yet another process that adds to your workload. But hear me out – A/B testing PPC ads has tangible benefits that make the effort worthwhile.

First, though, you must ensure you're tracking key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are metrics that measure how your ads are performing. A few examples are click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per sale, and return on ad spend (ROAS). If you aren't already measuring KPIs, tools like Varos make it easy to connect ads accounts and track performance.

So why add A/B testing on top of that? Well, testing can skyrocket those same KPIs. Specific benefits include:

Increased Click-Through Rate (CTR)  

Click-through rate or CTR measures how often people click your ads after seeing them. It's a key indicator of how relevant your messaging is to searchers. If your CTR rises, that means more folks are finding your ads appealing and wanting to learn more.

A/B testing headlines, ad copy, and other elements can improve CTR by double digits. For example, you could test a straightforward headline like "Shop Mobile Plans" against one with a sense of urgency like "Limited Time Deals - Shop Mobile Plans." The latter might encourage more clicks.

Higher Conversion Rates and ROI

While clicks get attention, you really want conversions. Meaning getting site visitors to sign-up, make a purchase, download a resource, or take another desired action. You can optimize ads to increase conversion rates by testing landing pages and calls to action.

More conversions also directly translate to higher return on ad spend (ROAS). If you spend $1,000 on ads but make $5,000 in sales, you have a healthy 5X ROAS. A/B testing to lift conversions gives you more bang for your PPC buck.

Improved Ad Relevance and Quality Score 

When your ads resonate with searchers, Google rewards you with higher quality scores. Factors like historical click-through rate and landing page experience determine quality scores. Since A/B testing improves CTR and conversion metrics, it directly influences quality scores, too. Higher scores lead to lower costs per click and better ad positions.

Invaluable Customer Insights 

Perhaps the most valuable benefit of A/B testing is the insights you gain into your customers. You're essentially conducting an extensive, ongoing focus group. Through data, you learn what language, images, and offers resonate best with your target audience.

For example, customers may respond much better to emotional appeals around family safety than analytical talk about security features. That's a massive insight into your customers' preferences that you can use in all your future marketing, not just your PPC ads.

Types of PPC A/B Tests

You might be sold on the power of A/B testing, but where do you start? There are a few different types of tests you can run on your PPC ads, each with its strengths and use cases. Let's break them down:

Split Testing

Split testing is the most common type of A/B test. It involves creating two versions of an ad element and showing them to different segments of your audience. Then, you compare performance metrics to see which version performed best.

For example, you could test two versions of ad copy against each other to see which one has a higher click-through rate. Ad #1 might focus on cost savings, while Ad #2 emphasizes product quality.

You can also split-test entire landing pages. Send half your visitors from an ad to your existing product page and the other half to a refreshed version. See which page incites more conversions.

Some split-testing examples of things you can compare include:

  • Ad copy
  • Calls-to-action
  • Landing pages
  • Images

Split testing reveals how subtle tweaks to your PPC ads can produce significant results.

Multivariate Testing

Whereas split testing examines one element at a time, multivariate testing changes multiple components simultaneously. You test every combination of variables to find the optimal arrangement.

For example, you could test two different headlines, three distinct calls-to-action, and several ad images, all as part of one test. Multivariate testing requires more setup but reveals what variables work together to create the highest-performing ads.

Geotargeting Testing

Geotargeting involves showing ads to different geographic areas to see how they perform. For example, let's say you're running ads for a meal delivery service. You might find that ads with images of healthy organic meals perform better in urban areas, while ads with pictures of comfort-food meals perform better in rural areas.

Within the same country, state, or even city, different demographics exist with unique preferences. Geotargeting the same ad creative in distinct locations reveals adaptations needed to connect with searchers.

Sequential Testing

Sequential testing evaluates how ad performance changes over time with a new creative. You start by running an existing high-performing ad and, once you've gathered sufficient data, replace it with a new version.

Unlike split testing, you don't divide your audience. Sequential testing reveals how the same searchers react as the ad evolves. That indicates when existing ads go stale and need refreshment.

For example, if you see click-through rates steadily decline, it may be time for a new copy. Sequential testing sets performance benchmarks and helps identify dips signaling the need for updates.

Best A/B Testing Examples in Marketing for PPC Advertisers

Now, let's get tactical. Here are some stellar marketing A/B testing examples of things you can try to take PPC campaigns to the next level:

1. Testing Ad Copy

Crafting compelling ad copy is an art and a science. Minor tweaks can mean big results. Be sure to test elements like:

Headline Variations

Your headline grabs attention, so test alternatives to find your best hook. In fact, studies show that 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest of your ad. Try different headline lengths, add emojis or brackets. AB testing questions examples vs. statements, or highlighting different benefits are also good choices.

Call-to-Action (CTA) Wording

Don't forget to test your CTA! Studies show that strong CTA can increase conversion rates by up to 80%. Button text can make or break click-throughs. Try more urgent ("Shop Now!") or more descriptive ("See Our Newest Styles") wording.

Value Proposition Messaging

Your value proposition is your product or service's core benefit or promise. It's the reason why someone should choose you over your competitors. Does your copy focus on cost savings or quality? Try different appeals to see what resonates most. Test being concise versus using full sentences, too.


Beyond copy, test visual components like including/excluding images, using illustrations instead of photos, and using different croppings. 

When we talk about visuals in ads, we're not just talking about photos. We're also talking about things like:

  • Logos
  • Graphics
  • Icons
  • Fonts
  • Colors

2. Testing Landing Pages

Once you've optimized your ad copy and images, it's time to turn your attention to your landing pages. You got the keep visitors engaged on your landing page with these tests:

Page Layouts and Designs

The layout and design of your landing page can significantly impact how people perceive your offer and how likely they are to convert.

Some things to test include:

  • The placement and prominence of your CTA button
  • The use of whitespace and visual hierarchy
  • The length and structure of your copy
  • The inclusion of images or videos

For example, you might test a long-form sales page vs. a short, punchy page with a single CTA. Or you might test a page with a prominent hero image vs. one with a more text-heavy design.

Form Field Length

Keep lead gen frictionless by testing form field length, number, and type. For example, you might test a shorter form with just the essential fields vs. a more extended form that asks for more information. Or you might test different CTA button colors or phrases to see which drives the most conversions. Find the right balance between info needed and ease of completion.

Social Proof and Testimonials

Peer influence is powerful! Try adding customer testimonials or showing social media follower counts. But beware—bad reviews can also deter visitors.

3. Bidding Strategy Testing Examples  

When it comes to PPC, the name of the game is getting the most conversions possible for your budget. There are a few key bidding strategies to test out:

Manual vs. Automated Bidding

With manual bidding, you set specific CPCs for keywords. Automated bidding lets Google's algorithms bid for you based on conversion data. Try both manual increases/decreases and automated bid strategies like target CPA to see what delivers better performance. 

Target CPA vs. Target ROAS  

Do you want to hit a specific cost-per-acquisition (CPA)? Or do you care more about return on ad spend (ROAS)? Set different targets and give them a test drive to see which bidding method delivers the best results.

Keyword Bids and Match Types

The keywords you are bidding on and the match type you select can have a big impact on your campaigns. For example, a broad match will bring in more traffic but may not be as targeted as an exact match. SEO AB testing examples consist of testing out different keyword combinations.

To determine the true impact of bidding tests, you need to let them run for at least two months. This gives changes enough time to compile data and make an informed choice on what optimizes your spending.

4. Audience Targeting Testing  

Dialing in your targeting is crucial for PPC success. Test elements like:

  • Demographic Factors: Narrow down by age, gender, location, income level, and more. Try not to limit the audience too far.
  • Interests and Behaviors: Add affinity and behavioral targeting, such as "tech enthusiasts" or "recent luxury buyers." 
  • Similar Audiences and Custom Combinations: Use lookalike audiences that resemble existing customers. Or, build custom segments with multiple attributes to home in on your bullseye demographic.

When testing targeting, monitor impression volume closely so you don't restrict reach too far. You still need enough eyeballs to determine what resonates.

5. Ad Format Testing  

Finally, you may want to vary ad formats to keep campaigns fresh and see what best connects with your audience:

  • Text vs. Responsive Search Ads: Do short and long text ads or expanded headline responsive search ads win more clicks?
  • Image vs. Video Ads: See what catches attention in the SERP.
  • Square vs. Landscape Display Ads: Compare between vertical, square, or horizontal layouts.


What Not to Do When A/B Testing

While A/B testing fuels PPC success, it's easy to make missteps. Avoid these pitfalls:

Testing Too Many Variables At Once

Don't get overzealous. Test one or two elements at a time, especially when starting out. If you try to test too many things simultaneously, it will be hard to tell which change led to which outcome. As you become more proficient, you can start layering on more changes. 

Not Running Tests Long Enough

Another common mistake is ending your tests too early before you have a large enough sample size to draw reliable conclusions. Give tests at least two weeks to two months, ideally longer. It all depends on what you're testing. The volume of traffic in your account will also impact how long you need to run tests.  

Ignoring Statistical Significance

Speaking of—always check if test results pass statistical significance tests. It's essential to pay attention to the math behind your A/B tests. Just because one variation has a slightly higher conversion rate than another doesn't necessarily mean it's the best choice. 

To be confident in your results, you need to examine the statistical significance of your test. That means understanding how likely it is that your results are due to a real difference between your variations rather than random chance.

Failing to Set Goals

Before you start any A/B test, it's crucial to have a clear goal in mind. What metric are you trying to improve, and by how much? Without a specific goal, it will be hard to tell if your test succeeded.

Not Documenting and Analyzing Results

Carefully monitor analytics to determine winners. But also note secondary findings that inform future tests.

Forgetting External Factors

Consider if seasonality, news events, or other external factors skewed results. Don't over-index on outliers.

How Varos Can Help With A/B Testing

A/B testing takes time but fuels data-backed decisions that boost PPC metrics. The more (informed) tests you run, the more you'll learn about crafting high-performing campaigns.

So be relentless! Continuously test new variables and creatives, even for well-oiled campaigns. Customer preferences and platform algorithms constantly evolve, and you need to, as well.

Tools like Varos make optimizing PPC performance even easier. Our advertising intelligence platform lets you benchmark competitors' digital marketing strategies down to the keyword level. See what profitable messaging and creatives competitors use to drive conversions in your niche. Then, build on their successes and failures with your own meticulously tested PPC ads.

Stop guessing—let the data lead the way. Book a free demo with Varos today and unlock the competitive edge to supercharge your PPC campaigns.

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Bottom line: I’m recommending Varos to you all because it’s FREE (for now) and it’s already added a ton of value for myself and my clients.Check it out 👇

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